how to implement a microdata schema on your webpage

How to implement a microdata schema on your webpage and How Structured data helps Google

Structured data in the website helps Google to organize the data. It is one of the most important parameters someone can use to get better rankings and promote the results. The structured data in the website can be verified through The question most people won’t able to understand that what actually schema is and how it helps Google to pull the results. We can explain it to you.

A microdata schema is a markup which classifies the data, if you have the HTML website, the schema elements and attributes can be directly added to the HTML websites.  It helps search engines to understand the meaning of the content. If there is a webpage we can use insert the schema code to the web page which tells the visitors who is the author of the webpage. There are multiple vocabularies which are present in the schema.

Here’s an example. Let’s say a cooking recipe

There’s a recipe of a particular item while composing the recipe, you can implement schema in your content. The has set the properties of the recipe

  1. Cook time
  2. Cooking Method
  3. Ingredients
  4. Nutrition
  5. Preptime
  6. Recipeyield
  7. Totaltime
  8. Author
  9. ratings

While composing the recipe of the item we can use this predefined microdata. The example below has defined the Microdata

how to implement a microdata schema on your webpage 1

  • <a rel=”author”href=”″>Zaclab </a> has defined the author name, which displays the author google plus profile with name
  • <p><span itemprop=”name”>chicken Biryani</span> will display the dish name in the snippet
  • <p>Prep Time: <span itemprop=”prepTime” content=”PT120M”>120 minutes</span></p> This will display the overall time to be taken for the recipe
  • <p>Yield: <span itemprop=”recipeYield”>4 Servings </span></p> This will show the count for the servings for the mentioned amount of ingredients
  • <span itemprop=”ingredients”>4 chicken breast</span> The search engine will be able to identify the ingredients used

This is how the schema helps to identify the search engines about the details and objective of the article, text, image etc. There is a little pain in the schema that it needs to be applied on every page of the website. After applying the schema, you can verify your code through

There are multiple types of schema available, which can be applied to pages. Here’s another example of the schema on a WordPress website. In a WordPress website the schema can be implemented through the plugin. I prefer All In One Schema Rich Snippets. Here’s the service schema implemented in the below of the WordPress page. The schema provides microdata


  • User Rating
  • Service Type
  • Provider Name
  • Area
  • Description




how to implement a microdata schema on your webpage 2

Testing for Microdata

The structured data testing tool is available; the user can test their microdata codes. It will verify your code and it also helps in identifying the error in the code. It has a wide range of all the microformats. The testing tool works with Google and the further addition and development are going on to make better use of the schema.

Check also How to track Website traffic with Google Analytics

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